Nr. 1 (2013): Israel and Europe
Israel and Europe

European Jews Engaged in the Israeli-Arab Peace Process: A New Form of Jewish Internationalism?

Samuel Ghiles-Meilhac

Veröffentlicht 01.04.2013

The 1989 “give peace a chance” meeting in Brussels in 1989. From left to right: Abba Eban, Roger Lallemand (Belgian senator), Hanna Siniora, Aryeh Lova Eliav. Behind them stands David Susskind, founder and president of the Jewish Secular Community Center.


Ghiles-Meilhac, S. (2013). European Jews Engaged in the Israeli-Arab Peace Process: A New Form of Jewish Internationalism?. Münchner Beiträge Zur jüdischen Geschichte Und Kultur, 7(1), 26–34.